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WAWS! Press Conference

The WE ALL WIN WITH STEM! Fall 2017 Press Conference is brought to you by The STEM Future Foundation. Thank you to these outstanding industry and community leaders for being guest speakers!


(L-R) Dr. Watson (TSFF Board Executive), Mike Norris (TSFF Board Executive), Jimmy Neal (TSFF COO/Godfather Motorbike Extraordinaire CEO), National Champion Kantangnika Newson, Sheng Thao (Chief of Staff, Oakland Council Rebecca Kaplan), Nate Miley (Alameda County Board of Supervisor).

Special thanks to our event sponsors Godfather Motorbike Extraordinaire, The City of Oakland Parks Recreation And Youth Development, Oakland A’s, Safeway And The Alameda County Food Bank!!!

Extra special thanks to our #1 political STEM Champion Supervisor Nate Miley (Alameda County Board of Supervisor)!!! A true leader of STEM education supporting our youth in Alameda County and throughout Northern California- we appreciate you!!!

WAWS! National Champion Kantangnika Newson giving her acceptance speech to the press and receiving her Grand Prize, a 2017 Nintendo Switch and $100 cash prize from our Chief Operating Officer Jim Neal.

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